We really want to see people building on a solid foundation from the start of their adult lives. The best way to do this is to build your life on Jesus surrounded by others who want to do the same. We get together each week to catch up and to encourage each other to shape our lives as we hear from God’s word. We also catch up weekly and in other informal social activities (as well as play the odd social sporting event). We’d love you to join us.
We are big on community, authenticity and seeing young people stepping up to take their place leading the church into the future.
Young Adults meets weekly at Dave Harrington’s home – 59 Beckman Ave, Highbury – from 4:30pm to 7pm for dinner, activities and a Bible workshop. It’s a great chance to grow in relationship with Jesus alongside one another. Anyone from 17 years old to their early 20s is welcome, whether you attend one of our churches or not.
In Term 1 we are diving into Mark’s gospel as we explore the heart of the Christian life.
Cost and Registration
$5 for dinner. However, if money is an issue, please let us know and we can organize an alternative arrangement. Registration can be done on the night (under 18s need parental permission).
Safe Ministry
All leaders involved in under 18s ministry at Trinity Church Campbelltown are safe ministry approved as per the requirements of the State Government. Please get in touch if you have any questions about our child protection policies.
Contact Dave for more information.