Church Policies

Church Policies

Safe Ministry

The Trinity Network of Churches is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within its own community. Our aim is that everyone within our church will be able to safely participate and contribute in appropriate ministry programs, have every opportunity to grow and flourish, and that they will be able to safely report any incidents of abuse or safety concerns. We will respond appropriately to all reports in the interest of all those involved.

To build and maintain a safe community for our children and vulnerable adults, we are committed to ensuring that:

  1. All leaders are appropriately appointed, screened, and trained (see ‘Safe Ministry Policy and Process’ section below);
  2. All programs are led and run in a safe and appropriate manner; and
  3. There are clear procedures in place for dealing with incident reports and safety concerns.


Safe Ministry Policy and Process

We require all staff, key ministry leaders and all who lead or help with children and youth ministry to:

  1. Abide by a Code of Conduct and behave as followers of Jesus and be willing to be held accountable for their behaviour;
  2. Have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) in South Australia;
  3. Complete the safe ministry screening process, which includes providing referees who can confirm they are suitable to work with children and vulnerable people and that there is no reason they should not be appointed in such a role.
  4. Complete the approved safe ministry training course which outlines appropriate behaviour including how to minimise the chances of harm and abuse, as well as training in how to identify and report cases of abuse.

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View process

Process for Resolving Interpersonal Grievances

This process has been developed to assist church members in resolving issues that are primarily of a personal nature (interpersonal).

VIEW process

Process for Handling Concerns over Ministry and Leadership Decision Making

There are times when church members have a concern that they would like to raise with church leadership which is not primarily personal but about a sermon, a change, an incident that occurred, or a question of leadership or ministry practice. This process is meant to provide church members with an appropriate way to raise and get a response to issues of concern.

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Child Abuse Report Line (CARL)

To report a suspected case of child abuse or neglect, call the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78. The report line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call 000 in an emergency.

All serious concerns must be reported via the report line and not via the online reporting system. Serious concerns include when you suspect a child or infant is in imminent or immediate danger of:

  • serious harm;
  • serious injury;
  • chronic neglect; or
  • when a child is in care of the department, and you suspect they are being abused or neglected.

Safe Ministry Incident Management Process

The Safe Ministry Incident Management Process is to assist Trinity Church Mount Barker to meet its obligations for reporting behaviours of concern against vulnerable people in church communities by ensuring an appropriate incident response is followed. The document outlines responsibilities, principles and processes to follow.

It forms an important part of our organisation’s commitment to creating a culture of safety and protection of vulnerable people, and forms part of our Safe Ministry Policy.

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Safe Ministry Administration

To assist the Trinity Network and each church in the Network to comply with their safe ministry responsibilities and requirements, a Network Safe Ministry Administrator has been put in place. The Network Safe Ministry Administrator can assist you with questions about the safe ministry process.

Network Safe Ministry Administrator
Sally-Anne Kerrison

Safe Ministry Contacts

The Trinity Network also put in place safe ministry contacts who are available to hear people’s concerns and respond appropriately.

Network Business Manager
Andrew Severin
0407 388 118


Trinity Church Mount Barker Senior Pastor
Scott Maxwell

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to the Trinity Network of Churches. We recognise our responsibilities with regard to dealing carefully and properly with the information we collect and retain for our ministry purposes. We are committed to protecting your privacy, caring for you, and upholding our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 in accordance with Scripture.

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