  • 1017 Lower North East Rd, Highbury

  • Highbury Hotel Function Room


Jesus claims that he alone offers us “life to the full”. Is he right?

Life is a four-week series aimed at anyone who wants to explore what life with Jesus looks like, and whether it’s worthwhile.

Each Monday night, we’ll hear a short talk, have a chance to ask any questions you want, with plenty of time to eat, drink and chat together. There’s no cost, the food and drinks are on us, and you won’t be put on the spot in any way. 

Each night runs from 7.30pm – 9.00pm, at the Highbury Hotel upstairs function room.

Dates: Monday November 6, 13, 20 & 27.

Let us know at if you’d like to come along!

Life is run in partnership between Trinity Church Pooraka, Golden Grove, Modbury and Campbelltown. 

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